I'm back home again after exactly 2 months away. I put over 10,000 miles on my car, which is about what I usually drive in an entire year! I only got one speeding ticket (41 in a 25 mph zone) and it came on my 2nd to last day of the trip. Who knew that in Montana you could pay your ticket in cash to the policeman right after he finishes writing it... He said I could have given him a check too.
I saw two of my father's cousins, and spent time with a 6th cousin once removed who I met through DNA. We had a good day trying to find a gravestone for one of his ancestors and chatting about genealogy in general. Although I did not get as much genealogy done as I wanted (do we ever?), I did visit cemeteries where I have ancestors in MA, RI, and PA, and made a few finds. I also visited a bunch of courthouses in RI and MA trying to track down some ancestors with only limited luck. But I did find bits and pieces of information that may provide clues once I sort through everything.
I visited a few old friends and drove around my college and old haunts of mine in Vermont. I did not get to visit everyone I had planned to see because of time and routing constraints but there are always more trips to come. I loved having my own car back east and may contemplate driving back again next year. I am truly my father's daughter when it comes to driving. As long as there is a new route and new things to see, I never get tired of driving. And neither did he.
Autumn color near Manchester, Vermont |